Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mini Comics Day!

I go to 757CCC, my comic-creators group, every chance I can get now - but I don't usually post about it because sitting around chatting with my brosephs doesn't make for scintillating internet reading. Also being out in the real world is really draining.

But Mini Comics Day deserves a post, because it got everybody to be productive for once! Even our fearless leader made a comic! Exclamation marks!!!

We spent most of the time discussing the implications of making fun of the recent TV coverage of a bear being stuck in a tree. They literally ran late and cut off some of the national news because he was still up there. In the same tree. Mike B. made a comic about it, called "Bearpocalypse." It was pretty awesome.

I also unintentionally summed up my writing process for T - the human member of the group, not the anthropomorphic letter T that used to appear on Sesame Street before its long bout with amphetamines. Also not Mr. T.

"T" I said, "I was working on this comic about some underwater goth kids (called 'Gothtopus') and at first, I just had them sitting around, getting high. But then I thought - this is a comic. Something should happen. So, I dunno, demons come out of the ground."

So if I happen to die prematurely, and you are wondering how to summarize my contributions to the comics medium, remember my profound teaching: "This is a comic. Something should happen."

Also, I made microcomics:

They're like minicomics, but mini-er!

T read one in a funny voice. So awesome.

I guess you had to be there - maybe you will be there next year? Oh, who am I kidding, internet? You'd never fit! l.o.l.

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