Monday, August 30, 2010

Things I have done recently

Met with the comic group I belong to. We mostly just hung out, but the leader has started paginating the anthology book. Apparently paginating is a word.

After the meeting, I was so jazzed that I actually whipped up a little autobio comic on some printer paper. Every time I actually finish a hand-drawn comic I feel accomplished. It's starting a comic that's nerve-racking. Oh, what a terrible life we privileged middle class white people lead.

My friend Eric saw the website and liked some of the pieces, so I'm going to be doing a personalized drawing for him sometime soon. For money! I keep forgetting that other artists actually charge for their work. It seems so petty, but I do like food. Food costs money.

Oh, and Eric lent me the entire series of Cowboy Bebop. I haven't seen The Wire or The Sopranos, so I can honestly say that Cowboy Bebop is the best television show I've ever seen. It had been way too long since I'd seen it.

What else, what else... my mind is always churning with possibilities that I never actually fulfill. The other day, I wanted to see if I could get my dad's old camcorder to work and shoot some short films. Then I saw some thirteen-year-old on youtube who had published her own novel on Lulu. Now I want to write a novel.

It's not enough to dream. You have to actually do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Can Has Website?

Why yes, if you'll excuse the atrocious grammar, I can. Has.

You know, it's amazing how long it can take you to do something when you really don't want to do it. You wind up categorizing everything, and making lists, and deciding to do everything in a specific order. That's the hard part of procrastination. It's almost like real work! Then, it gets easier: just decide which part you must absolutely do BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. And then, don't do it.

Get a haircut. Watch some t.v. Make more lists. Do actual work on a completely unrelated project. When you have mastered this technique as I have, you can eventually be an artist who makes no art at all.

Like Damien Hirst.

But now, the site is finished, and you can peruse my gallery, read my "Artist's Statement" and even buy prints of some of my fabulous crap. It's almost like I'm a professional or something.

Oh, and I set up a Flikr page for my Museum on Wheels so I can update it whenever it "tours." So expect to see a lot of photos of the same Wal-Mart parking lot over and over.

I'm also working with Mallory on a photocomic project, but it's slow going right now. Because she actually has, like, responsibilities. And a life. But that's cool.
I have a website now:

It's kind of okay.