Friday, November 4, 2011

Arguments I'm Tired Of

I don't really mind when people disagree with me on political issues - in fact, I love debate because it exposes me to new ways of seeing the world, and defending my viewpoint often helps me to clarify what my view actually is. But some lines of argument just fly in the face of facts, and don't actually help people defend their side - in fact, they may cause others to dismiss them altogether. Here's a short list of arguments I'd be glad to never hear again:

Marijuana isn't a drug, it's a plant created by God.
So is poison ivy, but I wouldn't smoke that.

If everyone had guns, no one would ever shoot anyone.
Yes, because that worked so well in the Old West.

If women were in charge, there would be no wars.
You think Hillary Clinton wouldn't bomb someone just because she has ovaries? Who do you think is sending drones into Pakistan?

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
True, but guns make it a hell of a lot easier for people to kill people. What would the death toll of Columbine or Virginia Tech have been like if the shooters had to chase people with a knife?

Marijuana is a "gateway drug."
Only because it is illegal, and people have to go to criminals to buy it. If it were sold in stores the way alcohol and tobacco are, people wouldn't be exposed to the other drugs that drug dealers sell.