Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Free Piano! Sortof

Apparently, one of my neighbors was dissatisfied with their old upright piano. I found it smashed to splinters in their front lawn, awaiting the garbageman. I promptly snatched up the intact keyboard and stowed it in my car's trunk. The trunk lid wouldn't shut, but it was an uneventful thirty second drive to my house.

I then managed to manhandle the thing up the folding staircase to the attic, where it will remain until I should happen to need it for a sculpture. Or something.

I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do with it, but when God gives you a free piano, you don't refuse.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

757 Comic Anthology

Hey, I guess I have news for once!
At the last 757CCC meetup, Juan and I wrapped up work on the comic anthology and ordered a test copy from Lulu.
So it's looking like the anthology might actually happen after all.

Now I get to work on the next one (fluttershy yay).