Sunday, October 2, 2011

24 Hour Comics Day

Just woke up... an hour ago.
Did 24-Hour Comics day at 757 Labs in Norfolk. Started at 1:30pm and finished around 9:00 am the next day (today). Our fearless leader and event host, Kevin, had just gotten out of the hospital the previous day after being checked out for chest pains. They wanted to keep him overnight, but he told the people in the E.R.: "I gotta host 24-Hour Comics Day."
Do you see that, people? That is what a cartoonist looks like.
We are dedicated to our art.
(He's fine now).

It was my first time, but I managed to complete my 24 page comic, "Robot Hitler is Going Down to Loser Town," with several hours to spare. (Though I didn't ink my pencils). There were highs and lows, times of excitement and frustration. And we all goofed of at 3AM and watched some Patton Oswalt videos on the youtube. I had to stop drawing because my hands were shaking and I was crying from laughing so hard.

Definitely an experience I would recommend to others if you can find a group of like-minded crazy people to enjoy it with.