Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Have I Mentioned

that I do commissions? I believe I have, just a few posts down, actually.
And I recently completed my first commission in awhile!

A coworker asked me: "Can you draw strawberries?"
To which I responded: "I can draw anything."
(note the profound humbleness and modesty with which I discuss my craft.)

She was careful to point out "I mean strawberries, you know. Not plums."
Because that's clearly an issue. The two are so alike.
Fortunately I saw a strawberry once. They're the ones with the seeds on the outside, right? I believe they look a little like this:


How do you like them apples... I mean strawberries?

I started out with Sharpies for the base colors, then did some Prismacolor pencils over the markers. My sister's friend's daughter Kaylee helped with the background. I gave her a colored pencil and let her scrawl over the piece. I decided to use her squiggles and add my own. After awhile, it started to come together and I felt like an actual artist! I also did it in one sitting, which is unheard of for me. (Just kidding, people who want to commission me for work - I'm always really professional. Honest). Just 4 hours total.

"Yep. I like it." Was her reaction. And then the day after,
"Everyone really likes it." I don't know who 'everyone' is, but I'm glad they like it! I like it, too.

What I also like: money in my pocket. Thanks for the commission, coworker.

1 comment:

  1. I like it too! LOL at the part ab I don't know who everyone is.
